Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Google Calendar in Gmail

Think of all utility tools inside one box. Good right.
Now google enables to have calendar inside your gmail browser window itself.
Ealier to have calendar use, need to click "Calendar" link at top left corner of gmail browser window & it will open in new brower window. In this new window manage your calendar entries.

Now this legacy way is not required.

You can have calendar inside email window itself as below.

To avail this feature, do the followings
  1. Click "Settings" link present at top right corner from your gmail window.
  2. Visit the "Labs" tab.
  3. Scroll to the bottom, select "Enable" next to the "Google Calendar gadget"
  4. Click "Save Changes."

Source :

Need to do a AUDIO VIDEO call, try gmail video chat

There was a time, when you wanted to make a call STD/ISD, needed to struggle a lot.

Then landline phone companies solved big problems into more convenient & easy way, but for more price!

Then mobiles gave different approach to; added mobility to your call. Pretty good :), but still with more price.

Next one, text chat.. but not human touch either by voice or picture of your dear ones; just a keyboard touch... But for free... (except of internet usage charge !). Need to install a separate IM software program. (Indeed PC needed)

Amazing one next. Voice chat. I feel my friend's happiness or sorrow just by hearing his voice, no explanation required. Free. Thanks to Yahoo, Gtalk, Skype, etc. Need to install a separate IM software program here also.

Later Yahoo added video chat for free. Need to install a separate IM software program here also.

Now, the latest of GOOGLE. text,voice & video chat in your GMAIL itself for free, in browser window itself. Just plugin to be installed. No separate program or application required. Very much cool.

Here's what you'll need to get started:

  1. Download the Gmail voice and video chat plug-in, quit all open browser windows, and install the plug-in.

  2. Sign in to Gmail.

  3. In the Chat section of your Gmail, select the contact you want to call.

  4. If they have a camera icon next to their name, you can make a voice or video call to them; just click Video & more.

  5. If your friend doesn't have a camera next to their name in your chat list, you can invite them to download the Gmail voice and video chat plug-in from the Video & more menu in a chat window.

  6. Even if your friend doesn't have a video camera, you can still make a voice call or a 1-way video call.

Enjoy talking to your dear ones, with a feel of their presence next you. I love it.

Source :

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Lost Mobile, Try this.

There are many circumstances we may lose our mobile or someone can steal it.
There is a simple way to get it back in INDIA, if '' works properly.
There was a report in THE HINDU on 13-May-2006. This may be old news. But probably working now also. Please try this also to get the mobile back. Never know if luck is good, you may get it back.

For this, please notedown IMEI(International Mobile Equipment Identity) number of your mobile today itself by pressing *#06# OR *#92702689# (Here you can get Make[mmyyyy] also)
Save it safely either in your Dairy, Email, notes of Purse or somewhere else so that you can get this IMEI number for future grievance.

This is something like noting down the Credit Card number somewhere so that this can be useful in case of card lost.

If you lost your mobile by any bad luck, send an e-mail to with the following information.

Your name:
Phone model:
Last Used Number.:
E-mail for communication:
Missed Date:

Good luck.
For more details on IMEI :